Wednesday 8 September 2021


LEADERSHIP THERAPY.                   With #GodwinExcel. CHARACTER: QUALIFICATIONS FOR CHURCH LEADERSHIP. Titus 1:5-9 According to this passage the man of God made us to understand that paying attention to our characters is more important than concentrating on the gifts, techniques and skills as far as church is concerned. What qualities should church leaders possess? Apostle Paul list them for Titus similar to the one he gave Timothy. Note that most of the traits he mentions deal with personal character, not techniques, gifts, or skills. Give attention to what Apostle Paul considered most important: 1. PersonalLife: Blameless, not self-willed, not quick-tempered, not violent, sober-minded, holy, self-controlled. 2. FamilyLife: Husband of one wife, with faithful children. 3. SocialLife: Hospitable, not accused of dissipation, not given to wine. 4. FinancialLife: A steward of God, not greedy for money. 5. ProfessionalLife: Not accused of insubordination, a lover of what is good, just, holding fast the faithful word, able to exhort and convict who contradict in love. GodHasBlessedAugustForOurSake. HappyNewMonthofAugust. LeadershipTherapywithGodwinExcel


LEADERSHIP THERAPY.                   With Godwin Excel. SELF DISCIPLINE. YOU MUST LEAD YOURSELF BEFORE YOU CAN LEAD OTHERS. People follow leaders primarily because they see a life they believe they can trust and one they want to emulate. We are to welcome God's discipline and respond with self-discipline. Once we yield both to God's discipline (Heb.12:5-11) and our own discipline (12:12-13), we produce a life worth following. People don't just follow you as a leader because you are charismatic, they will follow you because of your lifestyle and if your lifestyle is not in accordance with a leader worthy of emulation... Discipline yourself to work on you if not even the ones you have will be taken away from you. The foundation of a Godly leadership is #SELF-DISCIPLINE. Godwin Excel Ekoma

Thursday 27 July 2017


YOU ARE A GIFT TO YOUR WORLD. God never created a thing for nothing! Everything He created were meant for a specific purpose. You are somebody very important for the world to enjoy. If you are not important to this generation, you won't be alive by now! Your existence is an evidence that there is something you carry inside that will benefit your world. Don't deprive your world the opportunity to enjoy that which God deposited in you! You are alive because God wants you to make a difference in your generation with your gifts and talents. Don't be part of the problem to be solved rather be the solution. It's a new day, a new week... Look inward and bring out the best in you for your world to enjoy. It's your season of manifestation, the world is waiting for you!!!. All the best for you friend Godwin Excel Ekoma.

Saturday 26 September 2015


How to find your mentor

 Are you looking for a mentor – someone who will build a relationship with you, someone to teach and advise you and enable you to become a wise and effective human being? Here are ten steps to finding that person:
  1. Look at the people you know
    Look around at the people in your personal and professional life. Is there someone you admire? Someone you would like to emulate in some way? Someone who has the wisdom you need?
  2. Consider people you’ve never met
    Research the top individuals in the businesses, organizations and trace associations of your chosen field. Find out as much as you can about them. Identify those individuals whose values and accomplishments you most admire.
  3. Select a mentor who is a good role model
    Look for someone who is not only famous or successful, but who has a reputation for character and solid principles. Look for someone you can admire and respect as well as emulate.
  4. Select a mentor who is a good listener
    The best mentor is one who gets to know you – your skills and strengths and weaknesses, your individual personality and your aspirations. A good mentor should not serve as a lecturer, but as a sounding board who will help you with your struggles and help you to clarify your principles and beliefs.
  5. Select a mentor who levels with you
    A good mentor doesn’t just encourage you, but will also tell you the blunt truth when you are moving in the wrong direction. It is also a good sign if your mentor is candid and open about his or her own life. Anyone who has accomplished great things has made mistakes along the way and will share those experiences freely so that you can learn from them.
  6. Look for someone who is unlike you in some important way
    Our tendency is to gravitate toward those with whom we have a lot in common. But in seeking out a mentor, it is wise to seek out people who have strengths that we lack. For example, if you are a shy and introverted person, seek out someone who is bold and gregarious. Instead of pairing up with someone who will reinforce your weaknesses, find someone who will challenge you to acquire new strengths.
  7. Be open to finding a mentor in unlikely places
    We tend to think of a mentor or teacher as someone with gray hair and a well-lined face. Not necessarily! A mentor could be anyone who has something to teach you and could be the same age or even younger than you. A mentor could be someone of lower rank and social standing than you.
  8. If the person doesn’t know you, approach that person with a brief letter of introduction
    You might say, “I have followed your achievements in the field of ______ and I eagerly read your book on ______. Like you, I am very concerned about the issue of _____ and I hope to make a contribution in these areas myself someday. I am looking for a mentoring relationship, and I would be grateful if you could spare thirty minutes to discuss such a possibility with me.”
  9. Make personal contact
    Don’t be shy. Ask, “Would you be willing to mentor me?” You may think you are imposing on that person, but I have found that most people who have achieved a place of accomplishment in life are eager to share their wisdom, experience and knowledge with others. When you ask someone to be your mentor, you are truly offering them high praise.
  10. Remember, you are never too old to be mentored
    You may have reached a point where you know you have a lot of knowledge and experience to offer others – but you still have a lot to learn! That’s why, despite your age and gray hair, you still seek out people to mentor me


Ten Commandments of Parenting

Whether you are considering your parental responsibilities with a new child, or even reaffirming these biblical principles with your older children (It’s never too late!), or even as grandparents toward your grandchildren, the following “ten commandments” from God’s Word are sure to benefit you, your family, and your church.

1.  Pursue Righteousness in Your Marriage

Husbands, you need to show your children how a husband loves his wife, even as Christ loved the church (Ephesians 5:25).  Do they see you giving yourself up for her?  Are they observing how you tenderly and patiently lead her, teach her, and protect her?  Your example in the treatment of your wife will teach volumes about Christ’s love for His beloved bride, the church.
Wives, to your children you need to model biblical submission as you subject yourself to your husband in everything (Ephesians 5:24).  Do your children see how you work out your submission to Christ in respectful submission to your husband?  Your marriage is a living, breathing example of the church’s willing submission to her Head, the Lord Jesus Christ.

2.  Confess Your Sins to One Another
You need to confess, when appropriate, your sins to your family (Proverbs 28:13), and seek their forgiveness when necessary (Matthew 6:14-15; Colossians 3:13).  As you are quick to confess, you are demonstrating true humility and an ultimate desire to be pleasing to God in all your ways (2 Corinthians 5:9).

3.  Pursue Sexual Purity

Be very careful to protect your home from the sexual immorality of the world we live in.  That means you need to abstain from sexual immorality yourself (1 Thessalonians 4:3-8), and otherwise promote sexual purity in your home (Proverbs 5-7).  The pursuit of sexual purity should govern your entertainment choices, season your speech, and guide you when you’re in public or private, especially when you think no one else is looking or listening.  Your own sexual purity will protect you and your children from the heartbreak known well among a depraved generation (Proverbs 5:7-14).

4. Evangelize Your Children and Others

Because of your great love for your children, endeavor to be a consistent witness to them of your own faith, as well as speaking often to them about the nature of their relationship to the Lord.  Live in such a way around your kids that you are fulfilling the spirit of Paul’s command to Timothy: “Do the work of an evangelist” (2 Timothy 4:5).  In addition, as you have opportunity, proclaim the gospel to others with whom you come in contact, thus hopefully instilling in your children the same desire to share this eternal message (1 Corinthians 15:1-4).

5.  Teach Your Children the Word of God

Regularly teach your children God’s Word, both by your life (desiring to be models of Christ-likeness to them; 1 John 2:6) and by your proactive and consistent commitment to family worship.  Especially as fathers (as well as single mothers too), you have the responsibility to impart the truth of Scripture to your children for their great good (Deuteronomy 6:4-9).

.  Discipline Your Children
When your children need correction (which, when they are young, may seem to be “ever and always”), discipline them with what the Bible calls the “rod of reproof.”  Those parents who truly love their children will desire to do this in a caring, consistent, yet firm manner, attempting to avoid harshness and anger.  Scripture says that when you do so, children will cease their foolishness and become wise (Proverbs 13:24; 19:18; 22:15; 23:13-14).
7.  Watch Your Words Carefully
Words are very powerful tools for good or evil!  They can either build up or tear down.  Speak to your spouse, your children, and others with godly wisdom so that you may edify and encourage (Proverbs 4:24; 6:12; 10:32; 19:1).  Your children are watching you intently, and what you say (including how you say it), will have deep and lastly effects on them.  Train your children not to speak unrighteously (Ephesians 4:29-31).
8.  Show Your Children Your Own Love for God and Man
Love your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:37-40).  The greatest gift you can give your kids is to show them your all-consuming love for Jesus Christ!  What should flow from this passion is also your love for your neighbors, which certainly includes your immediate family.  Extending beyond this circle of influence is your desire to live a pure and undefiled spiritual life, which is demonstrated by visiting orphans and widows in their distress, and keeping yourself unstained by the world (James 1:27).  Pray that your example of love will have great impact on on your children.

9.  Ask God for Grace and Strength in Your Child-Rearing
The Bible commands you to rear your children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4).  Thus, child-rearing is not an option.  Thus, the remaining question should be: How well are you doing as a parent?  To whatever degree you perceive you are succeeding or failing in the task, and regardless of what will be the initial outcome and ultimate destiny of your children, ask God for much grace and strength to be a parent who glorifies Him.
If you’ll follow these “ten commandments” of parenting, the Lord will sanctify you and bless you.  Furthermore, your life and doctrine can be useful to the Holy Spirit in demonstrating the saving power of the gospel to your children.  The rest we must leave in the hands of a sovereign God.
May God continually remind all of us of our solemn parental task to leave a legacy of godly faithfulness to the succeeding generations.

Culled from

For more information: 08036366270,


Face Your Fears AND KILL IT

It's easy to ignore our fears and hope that they'll just go away. Unfortunately, they rarely do. If you don’t face your fears, they’ll end up controlling you. How do you face them? The most common way to face your fears is through exposure, where you gradually face the thing or situation you’re afraid of. With the right method of thinking, you'll wonder why you weren't doing it sooner!

Realize that you’re not alone.
  There are thousands -- maybe even millions -- of people who are probably afraid of very similar things. For example, more than 50 percent of Americans are afraid of creepy crawlies (snakes, spiders, bugs)! Shaming yourself or feeling embarrassed by your fear won’t help you overcome it, but acknowledging that fear is a normal human emotion can help you find the strength to face yours.

 Make a list of your fears.
  In order to fight your fears, you’ve got to know what scares you. Sit down and draw up a list of things you’re afraid of. What are they? Where do they come from? What are their origins? When do they seem to crop up? When do they seem not so bad? How do they make you feel? Getting away from the fear and away from yourself -- looking at yourself on paper -- will help you be a bit more logical, a bit more objective about your fear.

 Face your thinking.
Now that you've got your brain wrapped around the fear -- you know where it comes from, you have it broken down into steps -- it's time to wrap your brain around, well, your brain. Remember that your fear is just a way of thinking -- one that you can control. Changing your “internal dialogue,” or how you think about a situation, can change how you respond to your fears.


How to shut up: learning to keep quiet

You may be tempted to say out every thought that occurs to you, but sometimes it's best to keep your mouth shut.Great men and great women always keep their mouth shut because it is not time to talk.

The art of silence

Silence can be quite empowering, so by learning the art of silence you will feed your spirit and soul. It's difficult for a lot of people to embrace and experience the value of silence. There is often pressure to fill the atmosphere with words. Being comfortable with silence and your own solitude is useful – it's when we pause that we afford ourselves a space to digest what is being said and to think of a response. We get to listen to not only what is being said, but also what is not being said. Comfort in handling silence lends itself to a confident demeanour.

In relationships

 It's hard to decipher between being right and being happy. There are times when pushing to be right can compromise our happiness in relationships. Choose to be quiet if the relationship is more important than just about winning the argument.

If you'll regret it, don't say it

 When you have nothing to say, don't spoil your silence by saying something you will regret. As long as your body language is not communicating something different, feel free to just keep quiet and observe the situation.
 Be compassionate
When someone is in despair and sharing their pain or challenges with you, shut up and listen.If you have to open your mouth,encourage them with words of strength.It is not time for you to steal the limelight just because you have been through the same experience.It doesn't have to be about you all the time, so hold your tongue and acknowledge the other person and their need to vent. By honouring their expression of pain or guilt, they will want to confide in you again in the future.